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Grove Park School

Working together, achieving more


All admissions to Bourne Alliance Multi Academy Trust are dealt with under the Kent County Council admissions process, details of which can be found by clicking on the image below.

Kent County Council Website


Reception Admissions 2025

For children who are due to start school in September 2025, applications must be made via Kent County Council. Please click here   for further information.

Important Update Regarding Details of Appeals September Start 2025.

If your child is due to start Primary school in September 2025, you can appeal if you are refused a place at one of your preferred schools on National Offer Day (Wednesday, 16 April 2025). You need to submit your appeal before 20th    May 2025  . Any appeals received after this time will be heard within 40 school days from the deadline, or where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.

 For late applications, appeals should be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.

Summer Born Admission

Parents who wish for their child to be admitted out of expected year group require a letter of agreement from the school detailing their consent to the request and complete a summer born admission form.  For further information from KCC regarding deferred entry please  click   here. The Summer Born admission form will require completing and returning  to KCC Admissions along with the letter(s) of consent from the school(s) named.  The form should be completed when admissions are open for the year group they wish to apply to, the school office will be able to advise if the application can be made online or via the post.  If you wish to seek further guidance regarding admission out of cohort, please contact the school office or KCC Admissions  via

In addition, please click   here  for further guidance from the Department of Education.

In Year Admissions

If you are applying for an 'in year' admission, please click here for further information. 

All in year applications must be made to the school office who will reply to you informing you of the outcome.  

Applications will be placed on our waiting list according to our distance criteria, we will contact you to arrange an introduction to Grove Park School when a place becomes available to you.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Anita Bond    in the school office on 01795 477417 or

In Year Appeals

In the event of parents' being unhappy with the process or wishing to appeal against a refusal due to the standard number being reached, please submit your appeal request to the school office.  If you wish to gain further advice regarding this process please contact the admissions team below:


Kent County Council

Room 2.24

Sessions House

County Hall


Kent ME14 1XQ


In Year Admission Form (IYCAF)

Secondary Admissions

For further information regarding secondary admissions please click here.

Admission FAQ's

We have complied a list of FAQ's for your reference, if you have an additional question please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher or the school office.

  • How will my child be encouraged to settle into school?

Ensuring your child is happy to come into school is our first priority.  We will start by having frequent, short sessions into school but this is always worked around individuals.  You will build up a great relationship with your child's class teacher and we aim to keep lines of communication between us open at all times.

  • What can I do to encourage independence?

You can encourage your child to take their own clothes on and off, using a knife and fork properly and managing themselves in the toilet.

  • Do I come into the classroom when they start school?

We have always encouraged parents and carers to say goodbye at the door from day 1.  Often, they have been to a setting before and they are now used to doing this.

  • What is the usual child-to-staff ratio?

In a reception classroom, there is always a class teacher who can have up to 30 children and there are always 1 or 2 teaching assistants.

  • What if my child has a friend or relative in the reception class next door, will they see them at all?

Absolutely! We spend a great deal of time mixing with the other classroom during child initiated times and outdoor learning.

  • What are the times for picking up and collecting?

The classroom doors open at 8.30am and close  at 8.45am.  The end of the school day is 3.15pm.

  • Where do we collect the children at the end of the day?

Directly outside your child's classroom for Arctic Community.  The class teacher will open the door and call your child once they have seen the adult who is collecting them. Serengeti Community will be released from one of the two main exits of the building.

Year 5 and 6 children  may  walk home alone if consent is given by a parent via Arbor.

  • Can another adult collect my child?

Yes, parents must inform the class teacher in the morning and    contact the school office during the day, preferably before 2pm.  

  • Can my child play on the equipment outside the classroom before and after school?

No equipment is to be used before or after school.

  • What do I need to remember when we start school?

Please ensure you are aware of the dates your child starts school and the timings.  Please bring their book bag, water bottle, jacket and sunhat.  All of which need a label with their name on.

  • What is the best way to label my child's clothing?

Sewn on or self-adhesive labels are much more effective than writing their name in pen.  Please label everything as getting changed for PE with 30 little people who all have the same jumper can be a challenge!

  • Do they need a water bottle?

Yes, this will be filled up during the day with water only.  You will take your bottle home to clean at the end of the every day and please ensure it is labelled.

  • Does my child need a change of clothes?

Yes, it is also useful to keep a change of clothes and spare underwear in their PE bags; these are left on their peg at school.

  • What do they wear for PE?

The children will need a pair of navy or black shorts, their STEAM    colour t-shirt and a pair of plimsolls (no laces please).  For outdoor PE they will need a pair of navy or black jogging bottoms, their STEAM colour t-shirt and a navy or black sweatshirt.

  • When is PE?

This day will be given to you once the timetables have been finalised but it will also be added to the classroom messages on the door.

  • If my child has long hair, can they wear it down for school?

We ask for long hair to always be tied up for school.

  • What happens if my child gets Headlice?

If an outbreak occurs letters will be sent home to parents with recommendations and advice of treatments available.

  • What happens if they need the toilet?

For reception children, in the first term, we spend a lot of time in the toilets helping the children and encouraging them to manage by themselves.  The summer holidays are always a great time to encourage independence, but a member of staff is always on hand to help.

  • My child is unable to use the urinals?  What will he do?

There are age appropriate toilets to use also.

  • Where can I see the school lunch menu?

We send home a copy of our menu, these are also available to view on the classroom door and our website.

  • What if my child is a fussy eater and refuse to eat the dinner?

We actively encourage that the children have a hot meal at lunchtime and this is encouraged by the staff sitting with the children and eating the same lunch for the first 2 weeks for reception children.  There are always 2 or 3 options available.

  • Will someone help my child cut up their food at lunchtime?

Yes, help will be provided by the midday supervisor but now is a good time to start practising how to cut food with a knife and how to use cutlery correctly.

  • How do I pay for school dinners?

All hot meals are free for children in reception and keystage 1.  For junior children school meals are payable via the online  system Arbor.

  • Do I need to provide my child with a snack?

Reception and keystage 1 children are provided with a piece of fruit every morning.  Junior children may bring in a piece of fruit for morning break.

  • What home learning can we expect?

We expect you to read every day with your child and they will be expected to complete a family learning task once a week.

  • When will home reading books come home?

Once the children have settled into school full-time we will send books home on a regular basis.

  • Can they have a fancy backpack?

No backpacks please!  1 book bag is all they need.

  • Do they need a pencil case?

No stationary is required for reception.  For older children, your child's class teacher will advise.

  • What if my child cannot write their own name yet?

Please do not worry as we will teach them at school.  Pencil control and correct grip is really important to get right.

  • Can you apply suncreen for my child?

No, we ask that you put it on before school and we will guide and support them to reapply if necessary.

  • Are there clubs, before and after school?

Bourne Kids is our childcare provision    that offers both a breakfast and after-school club.   Breakfast club is available at the cost of £3.75 per session.  Our afterschool club will start at 3.15pm and offers two pick-up times - 4.45pm at a cost of £7.00 or a later session that finishes at 5.45pm for a charge of £9.25.  All sessions must be pre-paid and pre-booked via Arbor. Full information can be found in your parent pack.  In order to access the breakfast club and after-school club, registration forms must be completed and returned to the school office.

We do offer a variety of extra-curricular clubs after school for children. These are run by school staff throughout the year.  These clubs are not guaranteed and may be cancelled due to staffing levels or inclement weather.  Information of clubs is sent home each term. Spaces must be pre booked via Arbor.

  • How do I pay for breakfast club/school dinners or trips?

We have an online payment system called Arbor.  Once your child has started with us, you will be sent a link providing you with the details to sign up.

  • Will you call me if my child is upset when I  leave them?

Yes, a staff member will always call.

  • If I am running late in the morning, where do I take my child?

To the school office please, to record their attendance.

  • What do I do if my child is absent?

Please contact the school office.  You may leave a message on our out of hours absence line. Alternatively, you can email

  • Can I take my child out for an appointment?

​​​​​​​Yes, please inform your child's class teacher and  the school office of their appointment for us to record their absence accordingly. Evidence   must be provided for all appointments.

  • When can my child return to school following an illness?

​​​​​​​For sickness and diarrhoea, children must remain absent from school for 48 hours after the last episode.  For any other illness school staff will be able to advise.

  • My child takes medication can this be administered in school?

​​​​​​​Yes, any medication must be clearly marked with your child's name, class and dosage required.  Inhalers will remain in the classroom; other medication will be kept in the school office or designated area for refrigeration.

  • How will a school closure be communicated?

​​​​​​​A message will be sent to parents via our app and email. School closures will be kept up to date regularly on our website.  Please ensure your contact details are always kept up to date.

  • Can I park in the car park?

​​​​​​​We have limited parking available and are only able to offer parking for blue badge holders only.  Please present your badge to the school office when making a request.

  • Whom do I contact with a query or a concern?

​​​​​​​In the first instance, please always ask your child's class teacher.  If you need further assistance, please contact the school office.

  • My child has additional needs; how will these be managed in school?

​​​​​​​We have a SENCo in school who will work closely with your child's class teacher to provide access to your child.  Lines of communication are kept open between parents, teachers and other professionals.  Please contact the school office if you wish to discuss this further.

  • My child struggles with English, and we speak another home language, how will this be accommodated?

​​​​​​​A language assessment will be carried out on entry to school and provision will be made accordingly.  Our SENCo and EAL leader will be available to help you and your child.​​​​​​​