Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance and punctuality are vital to children’s ongoing education. Please ensure your child is punctual so they can make a good start to their learning. Children should aim for 96% or greater attendance across the year. Whilst we understand that sometimes children are ill, it is important that they do not miss more learning and experience than is necessary.
The school opens its doors to children at 8:30 am and closes at 8.45am for registration. If you arrive after this time, your community door will be closed, and you will need to bring your children to the office to register.
If your child is unwell or has an appointment, please contact the school office on 01795 477417 to inform us of your child's absence. Alternatively, email us on
We operate a 'first day calling' system for pupils who are not in school. If no notification has been received by the school office, Miss Savage or Mrs Rose will contact you during the morning.
If you have any further questions regarding absence, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.